2 Closing Amex Prices Sates Ate A P.E (nds) High Low Last Che 14 14 578 234 8 AS 8 A 13g 5'2 73- 13'2 133 11 138 1 538 53- 1 3'2 32 3'8 812- 478t 3 6 50 10 25 6'8 61 31 a 818 8-8 848-- 18 153 1534 1534 27'8 A 14 1032 1004 7'8 8 634 634 634 2 37 2 37' 7.4 35 1078 1018 73. 7.2 33 334- 18 101 17 17: 72 733 10 16 13; 134 21 203 1'a 18 13 13 8 13 8 191 00 63 24 18 11' 11 42 8 11-16 838 838-5-16 8 1138 71 91 It 4 11 44 23'2 15 8 13-16 13-16-1-16 19 1134 1118 0. 312 0 75 8 401 43,2 rent 1 18 478 Bot 81 8'8- 18 5'4 45 21 201 203- 113; 00 35 358 00 378 3'a 3'ar 8' 8 8' 8' a 638 3'A a 5' a 11 18 1033 2' 8 2'a- A 212 231 23' 33 35 33 35 18 538 8 Sat 3 4 35 a 127 125 8 1258- ON: 558 63, 55 00 21 2' 6 8 17 a 17-4 18 18 15 15 0 1334 13 0A 8 a ON 5-16 5-16 5-16 1158 1158 1158T 178 13 131 284 263 8'8 8'8 2 213 45 A 45 2 4 1838T 1234 1234 4': A 1218 0 112 1'2 00 55 8 558 234-- 1 2212 0228 28 16' 2 16 16' 5 28 2'8 12'2 1 116 Corp Co .20 ALE Plasti Aber Mi 40g Aber Petrol Acme Hami Acme Prec Action Indst Adams Rusl Adobe Corp Aero Flo Dy Aeronca Inc Aerosol Tec Affil Cap 5k Cap wt AIC Phto 5k Aiken Indus Airborne Fr Ajax Ma .60 Alan WoodS Alaska Airl Alcolac All Am indu wt Allegh Airls Alleg Air wt AllegA wt Allied Artist Alid Control Altamil Altec Corp Altec Altec Cp Alter Fds .50 Alcoa pf Amco Indst AmHess wts Am Agronm AmBiltrt Am BusP A CnMtg AmFit 1.376 Am Garden AMaizeA .33 A Mig 1.376 AMotin 10d A Petro 1.10 AmRity Am RecGrp AmSafety Tec .050 Am Trainng AMICCp Anglo Anthony Ind A 0 Ind Inc Applied Dat Aquitane .20 Argus Inc ArzCLd ArkLaG 1.30 Armac Ent Armin Corp Arrow Elect ArundiCo Asamera Ashidoll ASPRO AsMtgl .906 Astrex Inc Atalanta Co Atco Chem AtlaCM 1.20 AtlasCo wts Austral Oil Autom Bldg Auto Radio Auto Auto Sw Svc .20 Avemco Avondle Badger Bald Se .165 Banister Lt Bank Ut Banner .020 Barbra Lyn Barclay Ind Barnes Eng Barnwell BarryWr Bartons Baruch Fost Barwick Ind Basin Petel Bayroc Bell Ind BelscotR Ben St Benet Benrus Berg Ent Berg RI Bergen Brw Bergnpf 1.15 Bernzomat Berven Beverly Ent BevHill Bcp Bic Fen BgBear 1.08 BinksM Binney .70 Bio Dynamo Blessing Blount Bluebird Bluebird BodinAp Bolt Bernek Boothe Cmp Bow Vall .10 Bowmar Ins Ragan Brad Compt Branchl Braniff wis Brascan BraunEn Breeze Corp BrewerC BroDart BrooksP BrownCo Br ForA Br For BT Mg 1.426 Buehler Buildex BundyCo Burgess Burnsint Butler Aviat Buttes Gas 26 Cablecom Caldor Cal Comptr 73 Camcoln .05 Campb Chib 6 13-16 Cmp In 11 11 Ex Gas 18 3 3-16 Con Hmsted Cdn Hyd .25 82 812 Can IntPw 1214 12' ConJavlin 3i 75 728 Can 1078 Can Ma :22 Canavrl Intl 'Capital Res Cap Fd 3' 8 3 Capitol Ind 12-a 1178 12 Caressa Carnatn 80 80 CarPwLpf 663 6634 CarrierC Carrols Dev 4' 2 Castleton In 158 158 158 Castlewd 133 13 Cavitron 0'8 Cellu Craft 2' a 290 CenPwLpf 2200 51 51 Cen Sec .065 Cenvill Com 10 10 Certified Certron 13 11 ChadMill 558 55 558 ChmpH Charter Md CHBFood 3i ChiRvet 1.60 23:4 23' a Chick Un 3'a Child World 48 95 8 93: 95 Christna Co 8 21 CvF 1612 I Mtg wts 134 13. Cinerama Circle CitznFin .26 .16 1038 10 4 23. 10 16 16 16 2' 75 CL Fincl Clark Cons Clarkson In 00 Clarostat 43 Clary Clopay Corp 35 234 Inv 79 1358 1314- Co Build Co 8 a Coachmen 8' 731 Coff Mat 48 143 Cohen Hattd Coit Intl Inc Co eNatl 1134 1138 Coleman 1518- College ColComi ColonisS 93 3g ColwM 1.516 8 Colw Mtg wt 834 Combd Com 23 21 21 Comb Equip Cominco ComiAlli 858 Com Health 358 35 Comm Psyc Com PS 1.62 25 Compac 8 Compoin Compugra 18 Compr Mch 6 Condec 3' a Connrx Conrock Corroy ConsOil Gas Cons Ref .20 Consyne Cont ContTel Cook Ind Inc Cooper .20 Cordon Intl 5 3 Ccretab Inc CousinM Cox Cable Craig Corp Cramer Creative Creoie? 2.20 Crest Foam Crestint Oil Cross A 8 2 51 4 Crow Crown CP Crysta' CSE AR 5o: Cubic Curtis Cutter A Cutter .72 P.E RIEStIT 1.40 Rit I Tr Recrion Cp Reeves Tele Reitinc .430 Reitt pf 4.38 Saies Net (nds) High Low Last Chg.
13 167 13 22 213; 22 10 134 8'2 8'2 48 48 48 RepNat Bnk 2 RescCott .08 35 48 47 Reserve Oil 63 Resortint A 18 22 Resta Assoc Rex Nrco 2k RH Medical Ribiet Richton Richford Prod .20 in 100 2 Riker Mxsn 3. 11-16 11-16-1-16 RikerM pfA 7 11-16 11-16 11-16 Riley Comp 934 93; RisconM .36 878 878 Robino Lad 612 Robintech 15 z1200 16'2 16' Roblin Indu 3 Rockwy .80 26 105 Rockw Cmp Rollins Intri 61 Ronco Telep 178 Rosenau Br 238 23 8 Rossmor Rossmor Rowan 173 Rowland Royal Amer Royl8F 31 a Royl Bch RPS Prod RSC Ind Inc 13 Ruod pr 51 2 5' 2 Rusco Indus 158 1'2 2 Russeks Inc 3- 35 14 RyanH 13 1638 16. Ryder Sy SabneR 3138 Safetran 3' St Johns 133 1234 123 Salem Corp 15 6 Sambos Res 16 2 1578 12 SanCMI 18b 6'4 6' a SDiegoGpf 13' 2 9.84 114 1121,2 112' SnDpfE 7.80 1 10212 10232 102' SanitasS .12 16 28 31 2.06 37'4 36. Sargent Ind 278 Saturn Airw 5'2 534 Saunder 838 Savoy ind Schnuit Schick Inc No 658 Schiller Ind 258 258 258 Sci Mgt 23 Scientifc 10 634 Scottex ScottysH 17 123 12'2 Scurry Rain 82 18 16 4 1534 16114 58 Sea Contain 10 113 11! 16 1 Sec Plastics Secur At SecMtg .646 Sealectro 12. 35 S3 vueason All 0 1 Selas Cp .27 Selig Assoc 00 Semtech 3k 00 Sequya Ind Service 0 Servisco 47 Servo 00 358 SGL Ina 0 Shaer Shoe Shawin .106 1034 Shen ShenCorp oil 5k DA ShenOil 1512 Sherwd 15 131 338 Shulman A 71 Ind 818 81 Instr 5'2 5'2 Simcos Simkinin .50 a 63 a 18 5k 0.
578 538 Simpix Wire 19 1834 SMD Ind 25 Solitron 3 3 8 Sondr Bacst 1158 1078 113 Sorg Paper SoundCp .40 1114 SCOr pf :50 225 a 225 225 SCEdpf 7.58 1014 a 1011 a 1011 87 18 17? 2600 2 14: Spector Ind 518 Spectra 23 63 Speizman Spencer plentex SSP Ind 20k 85 85 StAllianc .80 Std Dredg 2'8 Mot Pr Sta Pacific 00 00 Std Shares 0 205 StdThom 16. 155 16 Stange .20 Stanley A State SavLn Statham Ins Stelber Ind 00 Stepan .28 Sterling Ele 0 3' Sterndent Stevcoknit 3' StopShop STPCorp 7'2 1 Struth Sunair Summit 3 Org Sun City Sun Elec 19 Super Fd Supcret Superior Suprscope Susquen Cp Susq pf 911 SutroM 118 Synalloy 35 Syntex 605 a 891 2-2'8 System Eng 27 21 J'at Tasty Bk .88 Techn Tape Techncolor Technitrol Tec Sym Telefiex TejonRn 480 Telepromp 180 TelexCp wts 1'2 1'2 Tenna Corp 25 Tenneco wts Tenney Eng 1'AT In 3i 15 TesoroP wts 12' 2 Tex Intl 10 TxPLpf 56 Texstar Crp 334 TF I Incorp .30 Tiffany Timpte Ind Titmus Opti 33 Tokheim .35 Tolchin Inst ToppsG .100 Total Petrol 8 .20 TransLx .35 00 TWA wtS Treadwy Tub Mx 000 a-1-16 Turbodyne mO 53 518 Twin Fair 53 55 g- TurnerCon Tyco Labort 75 73 738 UI Corp 118 UnionFel 6k 8'-' 1.80b NO 21: 211 Un Mtg MAte UnAir Pr Un Asbes. 10 2 5-16 2 5-16-3-16 UnBrano 19 10 Un Foods Utd Natl Co 41 3 UnNatt 7-16 7-16 UnNatl wIN 9-16 9-16 9-16 UtcN: of 70 10' 10 101- UnPDy 93 USBnc 1.126 8 275 a 277 8 1, USCerT 5'2 512 US FilterCo 18 83 8' USLSRI 18:2 18 US Nat Res 102 US 5'2 US 93, USRubR Unitek Corp 1518-- Unity 17 17 UnivCg 3'2 312 UnivCont 2k 112 UnivRes 43 Univ Svo 71- Als 15. 15. URS Utah Sqr 26 13 10 10 Ind Val Dor Inc 20 44 Val Stak 10k 2 10 Valley Meti 5'2 Valmac 8 101 10 Val spar 10 4'4 Value Line 25 3'8 VanDorn 95 Veecolns 23 00 1258 Vericeln Vert Indust 134 Verntron Co 00 Vertipile in Vesely Co Vetco Offsh 1858 View ex Inc 138 Viking Geni Vikca Incor Vintage Ent Coro Voplex ..0 101 Vulcn Co .10 -W WabMag Hackhut Wadell Waincco Oil 78 77 6 1-16-1 Ward Drug 29 113.
WardEcs .05 Warnpfc WashRi 1.04 8 Weided 15 Weilco E-'p hells Sv .72 10 12. ws 4 40 2170 Westate Pe' Westb Fash Ws: Decalta 13 5 3-16 5 5 3-16 West Fin Cp Westn Or dis Ws: Paci west ars In Cbie Wichita Wil lox William Wilsnire 16 Wilsn Br Wilsn Ph wilsn Wiremn Winston THE STAR-LEDGER, Saturday, July 7, 1973 Over-the-Counter Prices Sales Net P.E High Low Last -D D- Data Contri 10 138 Data Doc In 6 1658 1658 16-8 Data Prodct 13 24 2'8 2'8 DavisF 15 1434 145 DayMn 45 DCL Daylin Incorp wts 16 1 DearonS .25 De jur Ams Dei Labrtor 71 a Delta Corp 15 Delt Fd .50 a 5 92 912 Den Tal Er 11 17 16' 12 Dero Indust Deseret Ph 21 2178 2158 Detecto Inc 234 Develop Cp 14 Devon Appl DHJ Inaust 15 81 Diamond 9 18 148 Diebold Ven 3'8 Dillard .300 a 1334 Diodes Inc 25 11 Disc Fabric 00 3) 314 Diversey .52 00 1233 121 3g Diver Ind wt Dixlyn Corp Dome Petro 27 29 Donkeny .26 858 DrewNat Co 2'4- Driver Harr 12' 4 1134 Drg Fair .40 531 38 DuroTs 13 1078 105 1078 Dynalectr 238 DynellEl 5k 52 43 432 -E E- Systm Cloth .80 7 933 Earl Sch .32 8 EarthRe .12 EstAr Dev 5i 35 8 312 Eas Freight 6 38 Eckmar Cp 112 112 Edginton 24 1048 Edmos .13 Edo Corptn 453 Edwards .40 43 438 EganM .056 45 43 .20 10 Elco Corpin Elcor Chem 19 El Hose 678- Elect Assist 27 178 18 Elect Comp Electrn Eng Electro Res 153 14 Electro 13 19 19 Electspa 3'8 3'8 ElginNat wt 1-16 1-16 1-16 ElkHorn .88 153 15' 2 1592- El Tronics 812 83 a EpkoSh 64a 7 Equity Natl 13 ErnstE 444 Esquire Ra Essex Chem a EtzLav 9'T EuthSyst 5k Evans Arist 11 Excel InvCo 1342 Execine .24 4 1398 a 1358- 18 Fab Indust Fabien FabriCA 758 75 75 Fair Tex 18 Fair No 9 Family St 20 8 7'8 Fash Fabric 00 67 a 634 634 FedMrt 13' 133 Fed Resour Felmont Oil Felsway .32 Fibrebd wts Fidico 1.62b 323 32 3.8. Plast .06 Filmwy Inc FiltrDy 73a 71 Finci $8 131 13 13 1 Fin Gent 1012 10 2 1012 First Conn 1534 Fst Denv 203 A 205 Fst Deny Fst 1178 Fstmrk 1034 3- Fischer Pt 10 95 Fishman 3:3 Flagg In 25 2 2 Flight Safty 111: 11'2 Flock Indus 15 A Capital Fla Rock 93 Fly Fluke Tiger Jon 161 1578 10'2 16' 105 Foodrama Fox Stan ForestLb 35 4'8t Frank RI FrantzM Fresnillo Friend Fros 24 Frigitronic 266 174 a Frontier Air 55. FrontAir W5 Gabril In Garan in .26 Garcia Corp 7.2 Gaylords .20 Gaynor Gen Cine .32 143 Serv GnEmp .040 Gn House Gen Interior Gn Plyw .04 1 Rec Inc Reserch Genge Inc Geon Indust Giant Giant Yel 362 111 Gilbert RI Gladding Glasrock GlenGe 55: 2 Globeina .40 5'2 Globe Secur Glosser 73 Gloucestr 00 Glover 8'7- Cycle Golden Hom 0 33 wt 5'8 Gorin Store wt Gouldit Grainger .27 CA 28 4 277 Auto Granite GrassV .180 Grt Am Ind 33 11-16 11-16 11-16-1-16 Grt Bas Pet 39 GIScott Tar Greenmn a Greer 00 GREIT 5 00 10'2 101 4 RI Gross Tel 13. 13 13 Grow 00 678 GSC En TI Corp 19 278 wt MA 10 Gulf Guit Can :80 341 1 I Hallcraft 31 HallsMot 81 Hamiltn liar HampshD Hamptin 5' 2 53 8 Hanov Pian 19 51 Harland .15 288 273 20' 2 20 2-118 101 a 101 33 26' 2 Harvey 13 Hasting 6:2 2' 8 Chm Heinicke In 1.045 Her Mai 24a Hi Incorp 178 Hi Shear Hillhaven Hofman Ind A Holly 112 HomOIA 42.
Horme .61 10: 12' 1.635 17 Hosp 15 15 15 Hotel CON 20 20 House Vs 63 3 Houston 273 27 HubellA 35 35 35 35' 2 Hub 52' 2 Hudson Huc8yOl 425 80410 32 31 HygrdFd loser Illust l'et Imoco -Oil Inarco Head Inflight InstroCo Instrum IntegRes Intrmedco 11-15 Int Intl Funri Intl Gen .70 103g 1 Int Sea Intt Stretch In: Syst 13 Interphoto 36 19 InvstCp Fla 3. InvDvA 1.80 InvDiv 8 InFnd Iroquois ISC Indu ITFL Corpart Core 16 Jer James Jacobs vis it. Co 2 Jetronic Jewel cor Saies Net P-E (nds) High Low Last Chg. JohnPrd 25 40 22' 4 21'2 5 inos inc 33, Jupiter Ind 6'8 -K Kaiser In 2k 9 42 Kalvex Inc Kane Mill wt 3 Kanet5v 9 24 23'2 wt 1354 13. Kay Corp 19 Kenton Cp Kenwin '5 Ketchum Co Key Co .100 3 338 002 32 Kewanee .48 12'2 Kilemb .156 21 Killearn Pr 5'2 KIn Ark 38 KingRa .096 0 15 4 15 Kingstp .065 653 Kit Mig 4'2 Kirby Ind 002 151 2 1512 Kienert 758 KliklokC 2 2T Knicker 1334 1348 135 K-Tel Intl 0 6-8 658 Kuhns ,10 773 La Barge In Lake ShrMn 0 333 31: Latay Radio La Maur 634 Landmk 36 2' a Lane Wod 5 553 LaPointe 4'2 LarwRI 10 12 1 LarwnRI 7 11-16 58 11-16-1-16 La Tour LCA Co 1412 LCA Co 2'2 24 23 LeGranC .16 5'8 Lea Ronl .24 101 a Leader Intl Leader Hsg 18 Leasco wts 24 178 Leath Co 958 95- Lee Ent 1314 13.
1314 Lee Natl 19 45 431 Lehigh Prss 51 Leisure Tec 72 58 LernerSt .96 36 36 Lerner wts LeslieF 0 9' LewisBF 00 734 731 734 Liberty Fab Liberty 1'8 11 8 118 LilyLynn In 358 35 35 Lincoln Am 318 3ar 18 Lloyds Elec 1134 1134 113 LodgeS 134 LoewsTh wt 106 61 8 5'a- Logistic Ind 134 134 LaGenSv 912 LTV Cp wts 2'2 Luby Corp Lunay Eitrn 2 M- Macrody Ate PSv 10 1638 16 Mallory 34-1-16 MamMrt 25 238 2'2- Mangel sirs MansTir .50 6'AT Mangood Min 16 2 1612 Mark Contri 38 Marlene Ind 00 a Marshall 57 Marshal Ind 00 53 5' 8- Masland 71 2 712 MatRes 858 MaulBro 4'2 McCullch 154 61 a McDono 130 Keon 31 314 Means FW 00 1114 1118 Medalist Medallion 234 Medco Jwly Medenco MediaGn 13 321 8 Megolnt 6 17 a Mem Co 111 1078 Mercant Meridian In Merle Metrocare 37 A Metro Greet 2 MichGen Cp Midl Co 10 1034 Midland 65 672 Midw 00 12 2 MidwFi -0 a 105 Eltrn 00 14 MillerH Son A MillOnyx 4k Milt Ry .100 2058 205 Missor Beef 12. 12 MoKanT 278 Mitchi Engy Mite Corprt 4 a MoamCo Cp 2'8 Modrn Maid Moly Cp wts Incor MtgGr 1.036 10 114 Moulding In 2'2 Mt Ver Mill 1578 MP8 .40 858 Multi Amp MPS Intl 1 -N Napco Inds 14 NatBellas Distr cO 73 75; Nat Gen wts 184 at wtsn Natl Health a Natl Ind wis Kinney 53 a 10 NIl Paragon Mat NeedPak System 75 a Neisner 814 Dn Nelsn LB Neonex 10 2 NewEg New 1' Newpark New Pr 748 NY Time 11 11 55 NJ8 20 20 Noel Ind Nortek Inco 11 NO Am Dev No Am Royl 20 No Can Oils 21 7'2 NNG Mob 20-4 20 203 Corp Nuclear Dat 538 Aumac OilG 27 10 161 Offshore 19 18. Ohio Art OhioBrass 17 or Sealy OKC 10 16 155 153 3 Olla I nousts 31 Omeg Itv wt 13-16 13-16 13-16-1-16 A 171 17 12 00kep 3.67p 2300 69 68 2 69 Open Road 54 10'8 Oriole Hom 85 a 8 2 Ormand Ind 15 15: 15 Outer Sport 9 .32 12'8 127 g- Oversea Sec 8 41 Ov Ship 12 155 3012 30 30 OxEI z150 532 OxFirst 20e 638 Ozark Airlin 6 45 -P Indust 53 Pac Cst Pro PGE 2.32 303 301 Ept 271 PG 5r pf 2038 1834 18 2 PacHold 75 a 75 8 75 a 7.64 2200 102 102 102 1.04 8 143 143 145 PacSvLn 91 91 31 41: 0 la Pantasot Bro 08 a ParaPan Park Ch 55 8 55 Park Elec 00 512 Parson 29 12'2 12'2 PatPar Pap PatoGd 15 337 .340 14'2 PeaseEll wt 138 133 Peel Eider 20' Pemcor Inc 278 En 50 Tr 1714 PaRIEs 1.10 Pentron Inc Pep Boys 1834 1834 Pepcom 8-4 85 LA Incro 20 2 20' 8 Perin 20D 45 a Permanr Cp Pertec Tel Proenix Pay5t Lia Pio Pioneer Sys Pioneer Tex DM 1.20a 305s a .280 Piant Indust Plantronic 185 Plaza Grup 02 2158 MI wts Dyn Pro Polymer Polychr3 5k Ag 658 Potter Instr Pratt Lam 129: Prat Rd .20 prel Corp Hall Dres 10'2 10'2 Pres RIB 10 1038 10' Preston 115 Prime Eats Proie: int ProoCT Pruc Bic 09 pruc Put'e Puntas Furitan Rancher anger Ranburg Packg Indust INDUSTRIALS AND UTILITIES Bid Ask -A A- Al Aaron Kotzin Br 22 3. Accel Ina Acmt Crp 7'2 Acme Gh 658 Acushnt 20' 2 21'2 Adam Dr Add Wesl Admstr 33 Adv Invs 111 115. Adv Med 83 Adv Mry Ad Micro 77 83 Advn Sys 418 AES Tec After Six Agnico 63g AID Incp AITS Inc 534 Alanths 45 5'8 Albny Int 163 Alberts Alex Alx 1634 1712 Alex Bal 125 a Algorx 11 13 Alico Lna 133 2 Alleg Bev 23 3 Align Phr 1414 Allio Leis Allied Tel 17 Alld VI 31 Allyn Ba 41 Alodx Cp Alpx Cmt 34 35 Amarex Amert Sy 212 Am Aprsi 1042 A ArtCrit 312 Am Beef 8 538 Biomd 2'1 25 A ConHm 512 AmEl Lb 2 2'2 Expr 55 Am Ex pf 163 165.
Am Filtr 734 73 Am Fincl 1114 1158 Am Furn 734 Am Gree 38 383 Am In Lf 914 Amint Gr 671, 6736 A It! Res 52 5332 Am LaFr 614 63. A Marine 812 934 AMirc Sy 1214 1232 Am Nucl 31 3'2 AShbd wt 3'2 A Telcom 1214 12-4 Am Telev 221 4 231 Am Und 14'2 A Urbn 3 33 a Am Weld 1058 1118 Ammest 6'2 Amtr Dv 178 2' Anadite 21 8 Analog 71 Anar Mic 25 Andr G. 45 Andsn Ja Anheusr 423 8 427 Anixt Br 35a 38 Anken In 33 4 Apache 931 Apple Fd Appl Mat April Ind 3-a APS Inco 1112 2 Archon 178 Ardn Myf 253 Argo Pet 734 Arlen Pr 133 14'2 Arpeja CI 434 Arro Aut 11 Arrow Hr 17 Artco BI! Arvida 8'2 ASG Indu Asso Cola As Truck At Gs Lt 14'2 At NRIE 14 Atin Cont All Indus 5. All PepBI 10 Atlas Htl 4'2 Atwa Ocs 13 1334 AtwOc wt AtwOc ut 16 Auto Trn AVM 42 Baird Ato 5'2 Bk of Cal Ball Corp Big Drm 10 103 BCC Bayless Inc 8 Bev mng Bio MedS 36 Best Pro 32 Bob Evns Bass Fint Bank Rel Barn tr 18 Bev Canr 512 Baird Wr Bally Mit 36 37 Baltk Co Betz Lab 40 Bibb Co 731 Bird Sons Bon Aire Baker Br Barn Win 175 Baker Fe 31 Barco 73 Bekin Cp Bevis In Billy Kid Booz Alln Bardn Bi-Lo Inc BraMt wt 6:2 Booth Np 20. 2094 Brass Crf 153 Barnes 151 2 BarnW ut 191 8 BarnM ut 1978 2058 Beehiv Brand In Bassett Beacon Bran In Baldwn Baskin 10'2 11.2 Berklin BlueCh Bonanz Beeline Bohema Brenco 22 Brinks In Bristl Pr Brooks Brothr 458 Broadv a Brown Ar Brunos Buckbe 13 Buckey Bidinv ut 32 Build Ld 6'2 Burnp SI 211 Burris In 5-4 Butler 34 35 Butler Cabana Cable Fd Cafeters 1134 Calbioc 11'2 Cal 2 21 Caiprop 3'3 Cambr CmBr wt 3 8 Camin in Cam Tag 22.
Cancaig 1153 Canteen 16:4 19'2 Caphart 6. Capti Alli Cap Mtgl 25 25: Capt Natl 26 27 Capi Sow 538 Cap ItlAr Carbn FU Cardi Pet 72 Carib Les 734 8 1 Car Cribe Cayman 2 Cedar Pn Cencor 64 Centnl Cp 40. 4112 Cen VIPS 16 1638 16 1634 Cent Tele 7 75 CFS Cntl 1434 1512 Chambl 658 Chmp Pt 93, 1012 Chance A 20 Chani Co 334 Charm 1112 Crart Bk Chef Pier 12 Chem Cp 323; Chempit 712 Ches Inst 434 54 Chi Br Ir 7934 803 Chief Dyl 10-a Chillon 512 52 Chris Sec 160 170 Ch FrOnk 734 818 Cinn Fact 20 2034 Cine ing 3 Circle Fi 6'2 Ritylv 123 133 ci RI wt Citation 112 134 Citira Dv 13 14 CitSRI at 412 CitS 77wt 1555 1619 Citiz A 38' 3 385 Ciarcn Pt Class Fin Clevepk 9 Ciev Triv 19 1958 CITRI A Clinic Sci 2 10. CrO 13: CNA Lar 16 P.E WisP Lot wort M8 Wolverin Vrooo ind Wood Toor Worcester Co So Wright Hrg WTO Air 10 WUline .100 Veyle Labort wynn Oil Co A vo 6ac Co Yates Incus Zero Zimrim Mfg Bid Ask Bid Ask B.d Ask CN4 of Gen Hobs Minne Lb Coast Cat Genre Cp Mirac Eg Cobe Coburn Lab 0 24 15 2 2. Geriat Gibson In Mobl Hm 73 Coastl Dy 10 Grimar Pr Mistr Stk Coastl In 8 Genova MLS Ind Mobl Am CocaC La 1478 1578 Giftn Ind Moder PA 111 CCB Mia 83.
Gil Brind Aldine Int 5 CC8 Mid 312 Gild Inst Mogul Cp 191 Codex Cp 104 1134 Globetrt Molex In 3034 Coher Ra 101 11 Goid Med 250 Monar In 2 Colemn A 814 834 Goodhrt Montrt C1 52 58 Colum Cp 51 GEm In 45 4512 Monro Gr 153 2'8 Comb Prt 55 Graco In 2514 261 Montcal 7'2 8 Comcas 3' 358 Grhm Ma 93, Mnt SISc 23. 4 8 Comfax Grantre Moore Sa 223, 23' 2 'Comm CI Grap Sca 412 Mor Fio I 2 Com Grp 3'2 Graph Sc 8 848 Moran Br 712 8' Com SCp 238 Gregg Fd 55 a Mrgn Ad 10 CmwTI 213, 223 Grey Adv 9: Morrisn 22' 2 23'2 Cmw Tht GRI Cmp 112 Mtg Assc 12 Com Pre GRT Crp 238 Migin wt 2-g Compr 23 8 Guart Nfl Mtg Tr wt Compus is Guard Ch 32 Mostk Cp 17: 2 Cmscan 7 -H Motion 15 16 Comtax 7 2 2 Hach Ch 27 28' Motor 10 Cotr Auto Hahn EW 16 17 Moxie 2' Com Com Hall Fnk 103, Ms Smith Cptr Desi Hamil Br 2 29 2 Mur Mot Cpt Cnsol Hallmrk 25a MS1 Data Cotr Mch 53 Hml Bex 11 1134 My Toy Cmp Usg 5' 55 HmEx ut 12 4 13 Myers In 534 734 612 Cotrvis 93; Hml lv tr 17 17'2 Mylan Lb 82 Comshr Hmilv ut 18 19 -N Cmtech 12 2 Hmliv w5 Nath Fm Cons Eqt 5'8 Han SaRI 1712 Natl CCS 25 Concept Handy 6 CityC 261 Cn Paper 25: 2 Hrdwk In 8 Ntl Nat CnvSt Data 8 26 27 834 Cn Tmka 12' 2 14. Harlyn Con Build Harper Nat Libty 512 578 Contech Havtam Natl Livn Contex In 534 Hawai Cp 55 a At 912 CAl Hairp 73 Hawth 75 Nt Mrdan 212 734 3' Con CapC 3' 2 3a Health In 212 Nat Min Ct Carec 4'8 8 Heath Tc Nt Natl Patent Mtg 1318 CN Cnvey Hechng 678 6'8 558 Contilll 135 8 Heilig Ms 71 75 Nt Ut Ind 113. 1214 Ct Info 534 Henred 2 221,2 Naum Needhm Br 23 91.2 10'2 Westn 72 Hers App 2'2 Contran 17-16 Hesston Neutrog 6 61 2 Conwed 734 Hexcel 13 133 New AFd 618 Cook Ch 6'8 73 Hi Tech 3'2 Newll Co 1034 Coquin O1 2 15 Hickory 612 NJ NEng Nat GE 157 161 163 16'2 Cordis Cp 29 32 HNC Mrg 1912 2012 Corenco 221 2 Holbem 2'4 New Pen 658 Cornlius 4'2 Hom BnL 2834 293 AFF Cp a 1'2 512 Cosmet 1'2 Homwd NHA Inc 11 Cottn SAL 678 738 Hook Drg 1612 Aicolet in Cousins 153 16'2 Hoover 1938 Nielsen A 31 Prod 2'2 31 Horizs 634 73 Nielsen Cloth 4' Hosp Finl 61 Nobility 6' 2 Cradd TS 8'2 Hous Knt 33, Noble Af 19'8 Credit IA a 712 HousS Ga 312 4 Nolex Cp 598 0 8 Cross Co 1632 1714 Hugh Sup 12'2 13': Nordstr 16 a 17' 8 Crown Cr 4'2 Bid AC Nt Gs 4 105: CRS Desi 51,2 Hunt Mig 113 Noest BC 26 Crump 16 Hyatt 91 934 Neas: Pt! 6i: 7'8 Crutch 618 638 Hyatt Int 7'2 No CISVL 1734 Cullum 938 978 Hyd cultr North Kg 351 2 36' Cahm Ar 3' 33 Hydro Fl 754 NW5 NIG 10 Curt Noll 13 14 Hydron AwstF ut 19 4 193 -D Hyster 19 2 20 Noxell Co 43 Diary Qn 1034 NRG Inc 6'4 Dmsn Oil 534 Immu Sci 10 11 Nucir Re 1'2 Danalab 25 Impl Ind 578 534 -00 Dani Intl 23 233, 2 ImpLd tv 534 6'2 Oakwd Dankr IMS Intri 1058 11'8 Ocean Dr 54 4 55 4 Dankr wt 212 312 Identicn 4'2 5'4 Ocean Fh 63 Danly 8' 8 85 a Ind SqlnS 21-4 221 Ocean Ex Oil 14 51 2 Danners 758 IndLib Lf Ocean Dannies 4'2 Indian Gr 16 Ocean pt Dart Drg 534 Ina MigR 19. A 20 Ocngr Mt 3' a 358 Dat Card Ind Mt ut 201 2 OCG Tec 1'2 Data Des Inda Wat 19: 8 Odyssey Data Gen 33' 2 3414 Inas Fuel 4 Offsh Lgs 6 63 Data 100 91 Inds Nucl 20' 2 21'4 Ogilvy 16.
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213; Korn Fer Pizza Inn A Exch OG 65 Koss Elct 1134 12' 2 Planet O1 Execu In 358 Krueger 7:3 Plana M.k 15 Extraco 36 a Kuhlmn 8 8. Plus Prd EZ Paint Kustm El 5'8 PoIC Wal -F Popil Bro Fabri 23 8 Ladd Pet Pwr Test 431 Fabric Lafay Un 23 Cp Fair Lne Lancast 13 Drest Pa 1134 12'2 Fairfd Ln Lance 22 23. Prmry 134 Falcon 53 Lancht In Prochm 3-4 Farada 158 Land Res 218 Prot Golf 258 Farion El 25: 2 261. A Lane Co 18 19 PSN Car Farm Br 11-4 Laser Lk Pubishr Farr Cm Lawrys 61 Pulski Fn 1212 132 Fays Drg Lanter 3112 33 Purit Bnt 62 64 Fd InPrv Lazare 8 834 Putn Cap Feld Lsg 11'a Lazy Boy 271 281 PVO Intl 851 Fibersti 1'2 Leadvill 101 8 105 0--- Fidelt 45 Lee Phar 912 1012 Gonar Co 8'a 5th Av Cr (2) (2) Leewy Fr 17 18 Quakr Ch 1834 Fin SecG Legget 3 122 Qualty 5' 8 532 Fingrht 12 Leis Dyn Queen Ca 93 4 10' 1st Crp 35 4 35-4 Levi Ship Quotron 3 32 1st Artist 3'2 Lextron -R R- Fst Bostn 15' 2 Liberty Rad Tech 1st Come 25 26. Life Scnc Ragen Pr 1stCm RI 23 a 2418 Lightir In Rahall 1st CARE 10:4 Lil Chmp Rainb Rs 1st Fia lv 6'a 658 Linc Bost Rainer 4 5' 1st LinFi 33 Linc 117g Rapidat 1st Mons 21 Linal CA Rainr Cp 71; 1st MissC Lion CtSa Raycm 1st Altins 16 Lippinct 4- 4 a 163 167 1stPa wts Listfax A a Raygo In 3'4 3'2 Ist RI Inv a Litco 261 a Raymo 16.
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13' 2 Rocket 348 334 Fred 3'2 ASSO 31 Rocor Int 63 Freem Cl 5. MCI Cmu 55 Rodac Co 858 Friedm Vic Cmck 38 Rollins 15 16 Friend Ic 20'2 21. McMirn 45 Rosmt In Frisch 1214 McQuay 3 15 4 Rouse Co 13 1334 Froz FoE Measur a Rowan In 1: 218 Fulier 11- Medem 12' 2 13 Rowe Fnt 11 Fundg Sy 1-8 Medi Mig 10 8'1 10 2 RPM inc 121: 1314 Funk See 75 731 Vedlire RSR Cro 33. Furr Ca 1234 13 Vediter Ruckr Ph 19 Merchnt 14 14'2 Rusi Stov 1734 1834 Galaxy 534 Merc SvL 8': 92 Ryket SE 892 10 Galorth 23 2 24 Merid In 5'2 Garfing 163g Nervy 25 Safegr Gate L- Meyer Fr 18 Saga Ads Gatew Tr 12 1234 MFY Ind Salem Co 734 GCL ut Microda 13; 21.8 Samsnit 143; Gelco Co Mic DaSy Saul R.E 17 1738 Gelman Microw 8 Saxin 101: Gn Autm 25 26 MicA Ind Scan Dat 13. Gn Auto 193; MidTex Scherer 31 32.
Gen Bing 26 Midl Cap 45 5. 578 Gn Cp On 51 22 Miow Ex 33, 3 Scholl In Gn Gn Crude 28': 2 Volipor Fd 12 1234 Scott Inn 12 ScottsL 51a 558 Gn HithS FinSy Vpis Winn Gas Fab 5. 234. 4 Scripos 19 193 Scripto I 138 A Sates Net Sa es High Low Last Che. 2-E incs) High Low Last Chg sales in hundreds 1001 omitted ex.
z10 59 8 591 cect tor these designated 1z) which are traded in 10 share lots and carried full. DIVICENCS: are annual untess otherwise identified; (al plus extra; declarec or paid so far this year, regular ra'e: (c) payment on accuru'afec J. idends: (d) paid last year. 3211 3-16 1 1-15 cash plus stock; (gl annua rate plus stock dividend: (h) paid this year-latest 153 dividend omitted: (i) per cent stock paid in (k) per cent in stock paid 8:: 1973: tai in 1053 100- reorganization: 15, capita. distribution: 33.
35. (x) exdividend; (wi) when issued; warrants. -XYZ- P-E ratio: price a stock as 18 12- mult pie of per-share earnings derived dividing the 12-month earnings figure into last sa'e 8-d Ask Pines 11 1134 Sea Wrid 18'2 191 Sealed Ar 914 931 Seebrg A 13. 14 Seisc bel 54 Self Serv 193, 209. Seneca Sens Elec Sv Merch 1114 12' Svmastr 2534 Servico 1 23 23, Seven Up 26 Shaklee Sheltr Cp Ship Disp Shrley At 21 234 Shoneys 14 Shop rite 334 Shorew Sigma In 14 Sigmaf Sigmor Silicnx In Siverst In 33 Simera (2) (2) Simon Sc Simpson 1014 Slater El 834 2 Slaught Smtht Fd Snap Tols 53 54 SolidS Sci 12'2 Sonoco 2 34' 2 Sorg Prot 3'a 358 Soundsc 178 Sourc Col 734 8 Source pf 235 8 Soeast 3'4 So Airwy 5:4 55a Solnd Eq 5.
Sind Pap 15 1512 Sowst Air Sow Fact SAGs Cp 1238 1234 Sw Leasg 634 Sowst R5 358 Spacelb 84 Spartn 1534 Spectra 14 14-4 Spectrl 15 4 16 Spectrn Speidel 101 a Sperti Dr 234 Spiral Mt Sportch 334 Corp 4'2 Stanady 15 Std Micro Std Poors 233 Sid Regis 14 Standun 15 Stk Ale 2432 2542 StkN Brw 10 Steak 818 813 Stror Lht 4'2 Stew Infr 934 Stew Snd Strge Tec 11'2 Story Cal 57 8 638 Strtid Tx 673 Sunlit 45 3 Sugrdle 3 3'2 Sunset In 238 Sunsh Str Super Dir 358 Super El 85 8 9 8 Suprd Mf 4'8 45 8 Sup Eqpt 19' 2 Swalw In 1512 1612 Syrac Ch 4'4 Syner Cp 95a a Szabo Fd 5 4 Taco Bell 10 1034 Tally Crp 23 Tampax 1081 Tasset In 134 2 172 Taylor a 481 Teeg Res 3' Telco Mk 2 1012 Telecrd 2'8 Telecm 62 Tel Comu Telec In Tee Utili 1173 Tererent Teletr Sv Tenneco 4 Terra Re 4'2 Tex 1stM 18 Tex IntA Texon Cp Texton In Thetfod Tia Mara Tibur Vin 9.2 Tiffany 638 Time DC TimDC A Tippry 2. Titan 11 TMC MI9 Tocm In 614 8 Tom Brn Tony Lm Tops If Tosc Imp Towle Tracor In Tracil Oil Tran Cst (2) Trn GasP Trn Ocen 10' a 10'2 Trnoh Fn 8 Trnspt PI Travi Eq Tri Mtg Cp 678 Triton 01 212 Tri Chem 11 4 Trop Tgs Trust Mg Tycom 35. 4'8 Tymshr 75 Tyson Fd 1434 1514 -U UA CICol 858 UB Finac 15 1534 Ultra Sys 2'2 UMF Sys UnaSe In Uni Capt 73, 8 Uncr Hin 133 13 Uniti Inc Unit Cp 45 8 Union Spl 17 UnArt Th Utd Coin 178 Uta Com 37a 438 US 8k Nt 21 212 USF Invs 2338 2378 USF I uts 25 26 USF Ivwt 17 2'8 US Trk 1012 11 Univ Fas a 1514 Unv 45 5' 8 Unv Mobi 45 8 Univl Sec 2'4 25 Vacco In 30 Ho 3 Vail Asso 11 1133 Vally Frg 54 Vance Sn 534 Van Dyk Van Shck 8:2 VanW Int Varist Cp Vaugh 15'2 16'2 Velcro In 52 Velo Bind Ventron 17 Victori St 8-4 Video Sys 3'2 Vindle 3' a Va Introl 17 Visual Sc Vol Shoe 11'2 12 W- Wagnr 9'2 1012 Waitt Bd 1'2 Walbr 5'2 Waikr I 137 a WaltJ uts 15 2 Wange In Wash NG 1318 13 2 Waste Mt 1934 203 Waste Rs 474 Wavelk 8' Waxmn 1078 WD 40 Co 1442 Webb Re 35 Weco Weeden 8 842 Weigt Wt 1332 14,2 143 WellF wt 11,8 Wist Cmp Wschstr 4'2 Wstest Pt Westrn 1178 Wst Digit 814 9 WstMg In 812 Wst Gear 5'2 Wstmr CI 1723 183 Wettr Fd 201 2012 Wh Shiid 23 3. Whiny Wien Cns 5-3 Wienr Cp 934 Willamt 1 a 1753 Wilsn Frt 734 Wilsn 10 11 Winstn Wint PET 14 Wisc PLt 19 WisRI Es 2 Wolv Pen 62 Wood Lth 2 171 Worthn 13 141 Wright -Y Xomx Cp 12 8 Yello Frt 2 4 -Z Zenith A Zieglr Co 837 8.0 Ask Zions Utn 2712 29 Zwickr 32 4 BANKS Bid Ask Affi Bk57 29. 31 Am Fletn 28' 2 29 AmSv Ln 14 Am Secrt 43 4 44.
4 Arzon Bk 29 Banc 30 3034 Ban Cred 223. 22'8 Banc Pop 28 28' 2 Ban Ohio 25 26 Bankam 41 413a Bk of Cwl 5 Bk Tokyo 17 Barnet FI 4 49 Bayst Cp 31 Camrn CBT Crp CnBk Sys Cento Bk 24 2 25 Chart Bk 100 8 1033 Cleve Tr 81:4 4 82 4 ConB Nor 27 2 CPFcl Cp 18. 1834 Depos GU 4394 440 Emp Gen 3 3-3 Famly Lf 958 10' 8 Fidelt Cp 39 3914 Fin SecG 6'2 7 1stAm Fn 1512 1stNt Orl 34 2 1stBk Sys 573 1stCi Hou 32 323 4 1stCm Bk 14 14:2 1st EmpS 21'2 1st 121 8 1253 1stNH At 291 30 1stNt Md 271 4 1st NB SJ 181, 191 1st 10 1012 1stSec Cp 38 2 1st Tenn 22 2234 1st Un Bc 27: 2 29 Fla NtBk 2578 Fkin NY 2758 281 a Girard 47 2 2 GL Enter 134 218 Gt Comw Hml 8ns 1934 201, 2 Harris 49 51 Hawi Bnc 1478 1538 Hwk Bcp 834 91 a Hunt Bnc 3403 Ind Nati 253. 2 Indus Val 36 37 LIoNS SF 53 8 Lin 1stBk 27.2 28 Mfrs8 La 8 8'2 Mar Bnc 18'2 19 Mellon 433 43' a Moru Cp 25' 26'. Motr CoA 8-4 ACNB Cp 3404 Nev 494 5 a NEng Mr 1953 20.
a NN Corp 22' 2 23' 2 Pan A Bk 155g 16 a Pitt Nco 31 a Prov Na! 3034 311: RpNB Da 32 Safeco 4414 45 3 Seattl 1st 53 2 54': Corp 3538 Sec 9 9. Secu NLI 2 18 Sec Pacic 23 2 a Shawnt 45 4 46 2 SoCar 311 32 SoCa 1stn a StaSt Bos a Ten VIBe 23 2334 Tex Com 34 35 UB Finac 15 15: UtaB NY 1934 20 4 Uta Col a Uta TBnc 8 Utd Bk 355a 36'3 US Cor 2 23 Saigo 23' 2 US TINY 2 49 2 VINB Ari 22 3 22' 8 Var Anif 95. Wst CasS 18 3 16 a tinasor 4 INSURANCE Bid Ask In 648 6'a AmBk In a 11 Am Fan 15. 15'2 Am Fial 6 Am Guar 458 Am Herit 18', 19 Am In Lt 9' 104 Amint Gr 6714 6734 Am Nilns 3 Am Rein 3494 35:4 Am Resy 17 1734 Bid Ask Assoc Md 52 Bnk Sect 8'4 Benef Std 67 Ben5td 3 7 a. BMACc 19 Cal WstSt 15'2 10 2 Centni Cp 40 4 Chase Nt 8.
Chubb Cp 48 a CoastSt a 6 Colleg Un 11: Comb Ins 1238 125 Corn Gen 4714 4734 Criter Ins 57 59 Crum Fo 25 Durhm 25. 26. Educ Ex 2714 28'4 Eldor Ga 3 438 Emp Gen 338 Equit Lfe ERC Crp 31 Excel NY Famly 95 101 Farm Gr 46 47 Frm 551 2 Fidelt 39 393, Fig UnLf 181a 137 Fin SecG 1st Colny 83 Fst Exec 11 12 1st MaIns 17' Frank Li 22' A 225 Gen Rein 198 202 Geo Wish 9. 93 GL Enter 134 248. Giobe Lf 1312 14 G.Em Nt 284 2934 Gt Comw 1 443 South 133.
Hami Intl 178 2,8 Hanur In 1334 Hr Mann 814 9 InaLib Li Ina 18'2 Intertin 858 93 Intl Hold 41 Intrst Cp 12 Jeff Natl 19' 2 2012 Kan CALf 52 57 Kempre 24' a KyCen Lf a 534 Lib Nt 281 4 2834 Lifeln Ga 6 Lite Inve 1418 15 8 MnchL 68 534 Mann Li 558 Mass Gn 5 a Mer Gen 14 MigUn Lf 13'2 14 Mcnr Co a 11'8 Monu Co 25 A Motr CbA 813 Mut SvLf 93 8 958 2' Nat OndL Mat Secu Mat U.stn A 12 AN Corp 22' 2 23' 2 Orio Cas 41'2 42 Old Repu Pac Stnd 238 Peer! Ins 10 Penn Life phila L'e 2238 227 Pedmt 8'2 Pinenst 2 Progres 12'A 1231 Protec Li Provia Li 90 g' RepNat 83a 891 St Paul 42 Sec Conn 15 Sec Corp 33-a 3538 Sec 94 So Carola 15 4 16 Soing Fel Sow: Fact 1:4 Sastn Li 37 37' 2 Sovergn 10 4 10-4 Sto 5 5 Statm Gr Surety Lf 3'1 Time Hid 209. Trnspt Lt 3:4 Unwri Na 74 8 Unicoa 16 19 Unicom 553 6 Unit Am Unit Fors Unit S.c 16 Var Anit 953 Vico Crp 5 5'2 'wasn lo'2 171 st Cass inosor 41 World Sv 914 10 Market eases on bleak news NEW YORK (AP) Although yesterday's economic news was generally bleak. stock market prices were only slightly lower in sluggish volume. causing some ana- Firms halt quotes on gold, silver YORK (AP) Two major processors and retiners of precious metals stopped quoting some prices for silver and gold yesterday, saying their costs to buy the metals overseas had risen above the maximum prices they could charge under the price freeze. The announcements came from Engelhard Minerals Chemicals Corp and Handy Harman both of which refine and fabricate gold for commercial purposes such as jewelry and dental fillings.
Engelhard said it had stopped buying gold, but was still quoting a selling price and was making sales from its inventory. Handy Harman said it was now unable to ship products containing gold and silver to its customer companies except for those which arranged to obtain the metals themselves. The ceiling prices under the freeze are $126.30 per troy ounce for gold and $2.716 per troy ounce for silver, Handy Harman said. In London, the free market price for gold at the afternoon was quoted at $127 per troy ounce. Industry observers said the situation was too uncertain for them to discern immediately what the impact would be on consumer markets for products containing gold.
One industry official said that in such situations in the past. big companies which supply retail stores with finishjewelry and other such items simply turned to the overseas precious metals markets. where a price freeze is not in effect. The metals bought in those markets would then be conveyed to the U.S. processing firms for normal refining and fabricating work, he said.
Handy Harman said it would be unable to resume its daily price quotations "until these metals can be purchased at or below the ceiling prices or relief is obtained from the Cost of Living Council." lusts to view the market situation with guarded optimism. The Inw Jones average of 30 industrials closed down 4.21 at 870.11. Advancing New York Stock Exchange issues were outpaced by decliners 731 to 588 in volume of 9.98 million. "The market continues to show studied indifference in a round of adverse news. Six months ago the market plummeted in high volume with this kind of news.
Today, nothing." said Larry Wachtel of Bache Co. market action is rather encouraging considering the news background." said Martin I. Goodfriend of Bruns, Nordemann market's showing some signs of bottoming out," added Wachtel. The dollar closed at record lows in some foreign markets, ending a day of wild trading amid rumors of an impending monetary realignment involving another dollar devaluation. Gold prices soared.
The Labor Department said June wholesale prices had climbed at a seasonally adjusted rate of 27.6 per cent, the greatest increase since March, when the increase was the biggest since the Korean war. GM urges workers to sit tight DETROIT (UPI) General Motors told its 450.000 hourly employes yesterday they al-' ready are among the highest-. paid industrial workers in the nation and should not seek an inflationary contract settlement this summer. "General wage and benefit: increases that exceed the rise in the nation's output per man-. hour help feed inflation.
Then wages buy less than they. should and wage earners suf-fer." the automaker said. The economic warning is contained in a 10-page booklet titled "A Quarter Century of Progress" mailed to each worker's home by G.M just over one week before contract talks with the United Auto Workers are set to begin. Three contracts covering the G.M workers and another 250.000 at Ford and Chrysler in (6) no in a by expire in mid-September. G.M has been using the last tew weeks before bargaining begins to tell its workers about benefits they receive trom the world's largest auto company.